We are all responsible for our own healthy ageing, as we prepare to live a longer and happier life. Do you find it challenging to be healthy for 100? It is easier than you think. We round up the health champs in Prudential to share simple health tips. Leading the flock is our Head of Ethics, El Lynn Yeoh, who enjoys bird watching and yoga.
How does birdwatching help you to balance mind and body?
I’ve always loved nature, and birds are a joy to watch and listen to in their natural habitats. Being in nature helps me to tune out and research has shown that being in the great outdoors can boost our mood. There’s a bigger world out there – it’s not all about you, and getting the right perspective is important.
Why do you enjoy yoga so much?
I used to play tennis until a knee injury led me to yoga. I was initially drawn to its physical aspect and enjoyed learning challenging poses which promote strength and flexibility. Over time, I developed an interest in practising mindfulness. Last year, I started playing tennis again. To me, balance is now all about knowing when to speed up and to slow down – in the sport and beyond.
Any simple tips on balancing body and mind in the workplace?
Work can be stressful, and we are often multi-tasking. Practise mindfulness – focus and be fully present whether you’re in a meeting, talking to a colleague, writing an email or sharing a meal. Stay active by joining fitness classes or taking a walk if you find yourself deskbound for too long. Giving can counteract the effects of stress and makes us happier, so volunteer!